Sharin' Mom...Empowering Motherhood...
"An extra ordinary journey, one triumph and of struggle, of incomparable love and immense joy, a journey engages in a process of integration and connection that changes our lives into motherhood and my so-called life..."
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Monday, November 28, 2005
Simply Adorable @ 6 Months!
Mastered Skills : (most kids can do): Turns toward sounds and voices• Imitates sounds, blows bubbles• Rolls in both directions • Is ready for solids
Emerging Skills (half of kids can do)• Reaches for objects and mouths them• Sits without support
Advanced Skills (a few kids can do): lunges forward or start crawling• jabbers or combine syllables• drags object toward herself
How is she growing: It's all about fun these days. My six-month-old Diantha, loves playing hiding games (such as peek-a-boo) . She's also beginning to understand how objects relate to one another in three-dimensional space. She admires her reflection in a mirror and when I suddenly appear behind her in the image, she'll turn and look for me instead of believing that I'm in the mirror itself. Her fine motor skills are coming along, too. Some of her new skills includes: transfering a toy from one hand to the other, sipping from a two-handled cup with my assistance, banging objects together, clasping her hands, and grabbing for a toy using only one hand.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Mastered Skills (most kids can do)
Can distinguish between bold colors• Can roll over• Amuses herself by playing with hands and feet
Emerging Skills (half of kids can do)
• Turns toward new sounds• Recognizes her own name
Advanced Skills (a few kids can do)
• can sit momentarily without support• Mouths objects• Stranger anxiety now begins
How is she growing: Yes, I noticed that she is becoming much more social lately. Not only will she tolerate attention from others, but she even initiate it. Diantha thrives with our attention and is learning how to engage with us. As she masters more physical skills, from lifting her head and shoulders off the ground to extending her arms and legs and arching her back, she also seek our attention by wriggling or making noises before crying. Over the next three months, Diantha will develop her own way of letting us know what he thinks, wants, and needs.