Sharin' Mom...Empowering Motherhood...
"An extra ordinary journey, one triumph and of struggle, of incomparable love and immense joy, a journey engages in a process of integration and connection that changes our lives into motherhood and my so-called life..."
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
An Ode to Christmas
Christ, whose birth we celebrate.
Home, where loved ones at Yuletide congregate.
Review our deeds and achievements of year gone by,
Ideals we set to aim higher and try.
Santa, reminding us to be jolly and giving,
Thank God, for health, security and blessing.
May we all pray for strength, faith and courage,
As we spread the season's peace and goodwill message.
So the New Year can bring us hope, joy and glad tidings.
May you find joy in unexpected places,
May you feel at peace in your corner of the world...
May you find comfort in the little things,
May you feel loved...
Monday, December 12, 2005
Diantha's 7th Month Birthday Family Celebration...
Mastered Skills :
Sits with support• Reaches for things with a sweeping motion• Imitates speech sounds (babbles)
Emerging Skills (Half of kids can do)
• Combines syllables into wordlike sounds• Begins to crawl or lunges forward
Advanced Skills (A few kids can do):
• Stands while holding onto something• Bangs objects together
First Tooth now coming out !
Weight : 6.8 kg ____ Lenght : 62 cm
How is she growing : It's happening already...Diantha is showing the first stirrings of independence. By seven months she can sit with support and begin bottom shuffling or crawling.She can even pull herself up to a standing position while holding onto furniture. She's also a good propper; that is, if you stand her next to the sofa, she'll be able to maintain the posture, hanging on for dear life! With this new independence comes the inevitable bumps and falls of childhood. No matter how carefully we childproof, she's bound to bonk her elbows or knees someday, so I need to be more careful with her & should not get too upset when it happens. On the emotional front, my Diantha's feelings are becoming more apparent. She throw a little kiss to her kuya Denzel & to me , of course... As she continues to grow, she'll learn to assess and imitate moods, becoming more empathetic.
bday cake...
family celebrating 7th month of diantha
happy 7th Month!!!